Bridging the health gap

Our mission is to inspire selfless service through mentorship


Three Pillars of Service-LearningTM
MDJunior | Empowering #YouthinHealth
Foundation based on a time-tested approach to mobilizing young change-makers.
MDJunior | Empowering #Youth in Health

Health literacy workshops connect students with medical professionals to build academic bases of knowledge
across difference fields of healthcare

MDJunior | Empowering #Youth in Health

Hands-on learning sessions provide practical experiences for students to build confidence in real-world health settings

MDJunior | Empowering #Youth in Health

Selfless service is our end-goal; youth leverage knowledge and skills to drive impact and alleviate health disparities in their communities


Three Tiers of EngagementTM
MDJunior | Empowering #YouthinHealthMDJunior | Empowering #YouthinHealth
Our network extends across 8 countries, with over 50 chapters.

Youth in high school lead the charge for  social change, operating at the community level to highlight and address key health issues that exist in their communities

Youth in university lead our networks of chapters, medical professionals, and strategic partnerships to create long-lasting community health impact


Ambassadors on our global team implement the national agenda and support our hubs & chapters operationally with academic and business collateral


The Health Gap
MDJunior | Empowering #YouthinHealth

Health is universally regarded as a human right.
Yet, half the world's population lacks access to necessary healthcare services.

THIS is the health gap.

The health gap refers to disparities created by the social determinants of health,
such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, and geography.

THIS is the task of our generation.

The Lifestyle Health Agenda™
MDJunior | Empowering #YouthinHealth

Lifestyle choices shape our daily well-being in today's world.
Over our years of public health activism we've centralized on key focus areas.

We call these ‘Levers’ you can pull for a holistic life.

Yet, it's not just about personal decisions.
The health gap is a mirror to larger societal dynamics; to create true change we need to take a systems-based approach.

We aim to expose the influence of ‘Determinants’ beyond individuals' control.

MDJunior's Lifestyle Health Agenda™ aims to shine a light on the interconnectedness between individual health and societal well-being, examining the health gap holistically to empower our movement to take collective action and truly move the needle.

We've partnered with organizations across the world
Want to make a difference in your community?
MDJunior's young changemakers fast-track their industry exposure and impact in social entrepreneurship, medicine, and public health.

Join the #youthinhealth movement of young leaders and health professionals who, over the course of the last decade, have volunteered over a million hours and delivered care to over ten thousand patients.

Get Started now
Global Youth Health Summit
We bring together youth leaders and industry experts from around the world as part of the #youthinhealth through our series of conferences and hackathons.
Get in touch with us

Connect with us

1190 N Highland Ave NE
Suite #8673
Atlanta, GA 30306
United States